Wednesday, May 25, 2022

What is Copywriting? What Does Copywriters Do? future of copywriters ||

 Most entrepreneurs or business owners used copywriting methods for generating more sales or promotion of their products, on E-commerce business owners. 

Copywriting has become one of the most in-demand skills of 2022. In fact, copywriting jobs can pay upwards of $100k per year.

Why every business owner can benefit from someone who writes great copy, from startups to Fortune 500s and everything in between, copywriting in between, copywriting can make or break the success of an organization.

You don't need a degree for becoming a copywriter. anyone can become a copywriter by mastering the art of writing.

What is Copywriting?

Copywriting is the art of writing the text for marketing purposes. It's designed to sell your products or services while establishing a voice for your brand.

The main intention of copywriting is to persuade people to take a particular action, whether it's purchasing, signing up for something, or any other type of conversion.

Copywriting comes in many different forms --advertisements, web pages, brochures, white papers, social media content, and company taglines would all fall into the copywriting and that's just barely scratching the surface. 

But copywriting is much more than just words. Great copy tells a compelling story and represents your brand image. It pulls on the strings that trigger the decision-making process for whoever reads what you're writing.

Copywriting doesn't mean selling products or services; it sells emotion and lifestyle.

10 Copywriting Formula:

If you're new to copywriting, you can follow different formulas to give you through the process. there are dozens of different copywriting formulas out there, but I've narrowed down my top ten for beginners.

Think of these copywriting formulas as a quick template or cheat sheet. 

1. FAB Formula 

This is one of the most basic copywriting strategies that you can follow, Instead of just listing the features of a product or service, you need to find ways to highlight the end results and take away what the user will get.

  •   Features- What are you offering?
  •  Advantages- how does it help solve a problem or make things better?
  •  Benefits- What does the reader get out of this?
 The FAB formula is perfect for copy related to products or services.

2. BAB Formula

The BAB formula is Ideal for storytelling, it's designed to identify pain points being felt by the reader.

  • Before- this is what your life is like know.
  • After- this is how you'll feel once the problem has been solved.
  • Bridge- this is how you get there.

We saw some copy earlier in this guide from Basecamp as a good example that follows the BAB formula.

3. The 4 P's formula
  • Picture - Grab the reader's attention by painting a picture that creates desire.
  • Promise- Explain how the offering delivers that desire.
  • Prove- Use evidence to support that promise.
  • Push- Convince the reader to commit.

The 4 p's formula takes a unique approach to conversions. this type of copy gets the reader to commit by proving that you can deliver a promise.

4. The 4 U's formula
  • Useful-  How can you help the reader?
  • Urgent-  create a sense of urgency.
  • Unique- Explain how the benefits can't be found elsewhere.
  • Ultra-specific- Don't be vague.

The 4 U's formula works well for advertisements or social media copy. find ways to create a sense of urgency, like FOMO, as an emotional trigger that gets the reader to act quickly. 

5. The 4 C's formula

  • Clear- Make sure your copy is as clear as possible.
  • concise- Keep it short and to the point.
  • compelling- spark some interest and grab the attention.
  • Credible- Explain why the reader should trust your product, service, or brand.

6. ACCA Formula

  • Awareness-  Identify the problem or situation at hand.
  • comprehension- Explain how the problem affects the reader.
  • Conviction- Persuade the reader to follow your solution.
  • Action- End with a strong call to action.

7. "So what?" formula

The idea behind this formula is simple. Every time you make a statement, ask yourself, “so what?” This forces you to explain the benefits in greater detail. 

Our agency creates the best website content!

So what?

So we can help you generate more traffic, drive conversions, and rank higher in SERPs.

The first part of that copy isn’t useful without the “so what” aspect.

8. The Oath

  • Oblivious- Reader has no clue about your brand or offer.
  • Apathetic- They are aware of you but uninterested or indifferent 
  • Thinking- The reader has identified a potential need 
  • Hurting- they have a problem that desperately needs to be solved.

9. PAS Formula

  • Problem- Identify the problem at hand.
  • Agitate- Explain the negative impact of having this problem
  • Solve- offer a solution.

10. The "Objections" formula

Write copy that addresses common objectives a reader has with your offering.

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