Sunday, June 5, 2022

Follow these 5 things to Reduce Fat | how to reduce Fat | |

 What is a good body fat percentage?

Generally, a good body fat percentage range for women is 21 to 35 % and for men, it's 8 to 24 %. these values were derived based on a study by Dympna Gallagher et al. on a new approach for developing healthy body fat percentage ranges for adults. it links healthy body mass index(BMI) guidelines with predicted body fat percentages.

How to estimate body fat?

Accurate measuring of body fat exists, such as dual-Energy X-ray absorptiometry, air-displacement plethysmography, and hydrostatic weighing but they can be expensive and inconvenient. you can check your body fat with the help of various online tools.

Estimate from BMI?

This method calculates body fat percentage from body Mass Index(BMI) using regression equations. this formula takes gender age into consideration.

This estimation is not as accurate as body circumference or skinfold methods. It does not, however, give a ballpark estimate for those of you who don't want to bother with measuring tapes or skinfold calipers. 

1. Consume a well-rounded balance of protein and fat.

Eating lean proteins like chicken, lean beef, beans, and healthy fats found in fish, avocados, nuts, and seeds promotes fat loss. choose proteins and fats that are hormone-free and unprocessed.

  • Consuming 1200 mg calcium per day may help you reduce your body fat. Aim for three servings of dairy a day. choose products made from skim milk to lower the number of calories you take in from dairy each day.
  • choose olive oil and grapeseed oil over canola oil and butter when you cook.

2. Drink a lot of water.

Studies show that drinking plenty of water actually increases the body's metabolic rate, leading to more fat loss. Aim for 2 liters of water per day or more

Replace alcohol, soda, coffee, and other drinks with water.

Start your day by drinking a large glass of water when you wake up before you eat breakfast.

3. Eat Breakfast every day. 

 Starting your day off with a healthy breakfast gives you the right foundation for eating well all day long. Because your metabolism slows down at right, eating breakfast in the morning can boost your metabolism to a more active state. If you skip breakfast, you'll be more likely to eat too much or lose your willpower to eat nutritious foods later in the day.

  • Eat a lot of protein and fiber at breakfast to keep you full for several hours. fruit, eggs, and vegetable smoothies are great breakfast choices.
  • Avoid eating pancakes and other baked goods for breakfast. these give your body a shot of sugar without wholesome nutrients. so you'll get hungry faster. plus, you'll be starting the day at a dietary disadvantage.
4. Fill your day with fiber.

Soluble fiber which is found in fruit, vegetables, and whole grains, lowers insulin levels in your body and leads to fat loss. Eating plenty of fiber with every meal will also make you feel faster, so you won't be as tempted to eat high-calorie foods.

  • Eat whole fruits and vegetables fresh, whole vegetables and fruits like apples, cherries, oranges, broccoli, spinach, kale, and sweet potatoes have a lot of fiber 
  • Eat whole grains. try steel cut oatmeal instead of instant and choose whole wheat over while every time. Quinoa is another delicious whole grain to incorporate into your diet.
  • Don't drink fruit juice. fruit contains a lot of sugar, which is fine when you consume it along with the fruit fiber. but when a fruit is juiced, its sugars are extracted and the fiber is discarded, leaving you with pure sugar.
5. Don't eat foods with empty calories.  

For some people, it really is that simple. certain foods are more easily converted to fat in your body. they provide a lot of calories, but the calories don't come with the nutrients and fiber your body needs to stay healthy. the first step to losing fat is cutting back on fruit and eliminating foods like:

1. Sugar. Sugary sodas, baked goods, and candies can lead to a greater accumulation of fat. when you cut these foods out of your diet, you'll likely see results within the first week.

2. White flour. processed white flour that is used to make bread, pastries, cakes, pasta, and other wheat products should be avoided.

3. Fried foods. the process of frying food makes it much less nutritious, leading to more fat. Cut back on french fries, fried chicken, and any other food with a fried breading. most fast foods fall into this category.

4. Processed snacks and meats. snack foods, pre-packaged dinners, bacon, and lunch meat are processed with chemicals and preservatives that are bad for your health. they pack a lot of calories without nourishing your body, so avoid these while you're trying to lose fats Use smaller plates so if your plate it's less likely that you'll end up not eating all your food as if you would with a larger plate.

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Follow these 5 things to Reduce Fat | how to reduce Fat | |

 What is a good body fat percentage? Generally, a good body fat percentage range for women is 21 to 35 % and for men, it's 8 to 24 %. th...