Monday, May 30, 2022

What is Front-end-developer? How to become a Front-end-developer? Salary and scope|

What is Front-end-developer?

 A Front-end-developer is someone who creates websites and web applications.

The difference between Front-end and Back-end is that Front-End refers to how a web page looks, while the back-end refers to how it works.

You can think of the front-end as the client-side and back-end server side.

The basic languages for front-End development are HTML, CSS, and javascript.

Main Responsibilities

The Main responsibility of the Front-End developer is the User Interface.

Simply put, Create things that the user sees.

Client software(Front-end)

The basic language of the front-end Development is:


2. CSS


Popular Javascript and CSS frameworks and libraries:

 1. Bootstrap

2. W3.CSS




6. JQuery

Information about Front-end development

Front-end based on Web development is the core and field of computer science development which is mainly targeted to code and build what is visible, mainly in web apps or websites. Apart from conventional development techniques and methods. It also includes the development of mobile apps or applications. the person who is responsible for creating the layout of the scheme of these kinds of applications is a front-end developer.

The role of a Front End Developer

The Role of front End Developer is in implementing visual as well as interactive elements, which help engage users by making use of their Web browser when making use of a web application which is generally backed by the back end developers responsible for creating the server-side of the application logic and the rest of the integration stuff part is done by Front-end developers. Responsibility generally includes  UI/UX wireframe translation into the real code, which will help produce the product's actual based elements.

Skills Required for Front-End Developer

A Front End Developer has to be literally an expert with HTML, CSS, and, Javascript or be well versed in writing in some of the other Jquery kinds of frameworks such as Angular, JS nodes, etc. apart From Just Knowing and working on this framework and technologies. he should also be very well versed with the preprocessing part, especially the ones like Cascading style sheets.

Why do we need a Front End developer?

A Front end developer is the one who provides the shape and visuals to all that is happening at the backend, without him, we should just be dealing with APIs all around. Imagine how weird it would be to have created a website about mobile phones and purchasing them but not be able to view the phone pictures and only have a look at them in some form of getting or posting APIs. A normal user would be required to have normal skills, and therefore a front end developer comes into play 

Type of Job roles and descriptions in Front End Development 

The most common or most used title is Front End Developer or Front End Engineer.

Salary of Front End Developer

The salary of the Front-end Developer is based on company to company 

The average Base pay is Rs 3,74,384 per Annum to Rs 10,38,000 Per Annum

The Top companies are:

1. Jugnoo

2. XI Dynamics

3. click labs 

How to become a web Developer? complete Roadmap for becoming a web developer in 2022|

 What is Web development?

Web Development refers to building, creating, and Maintaining Websites. It creates includes aspects such as web design, web publishing, web programming, and database management. while the terms "web developer" and "web designer" are often used synonymously they do not mean the same thing. technically, a web developer only designs 

website interfaces using HTML and CSS. A web developer may be involved in designing a website, but may also write the web scripts in languages such as PHP and ASP Additionally, a web developer may help maintain and update a database used by a dynamic website.

Responsibilities of a web developer?

1. Write Web pages with a combination of markup languages.

2. Create Quality mockups and prototypes.

3. Build a Word press site from scratch

4. Understand UI, UX, and learning usability

5. Understand HTML and CSS

6. Develop functional and appealing websites and web-based applications.

7. Provide website maintenance and enhancements.

How to Become a Web Developer?


These are the pillars of all website development that you'll work with daily if you decide to build websites for a living.

  • HTML dictates the structure
  • CSS will make it look pretty
  • javascript will make it function


HTML stands for a hypertext markup language. It's one of the main ingredients of any website and one of the so-called frontend languages.

In short-it provides the basic skeleton of a website, mainly through a series of tags

A tag is the HTML code that controls the appearance of the HTML document's content.


Cascading style sheets

It puts the style behind the HTML structure. Basically, without CSS, HTML, and consequently. the whole web page would look boring.

Here's how they combine within your HTML code you reference a CSS style sheet.

Here's an example of what CSS looks like in action.


Javascript is a programming language that allows you to implement elements on web pages. it powers features like interactive maps, 2D/3D graphics, and more.

Speaking of Web Developments specialties. there are three that you should be aware of.

1. Frontend development

The " frontend" refers to "stuff" on a website that you see and interact with, e.g menus, dropdowns, Etc.

2. Backend Development 

The " backend " is like the portion of the iceberg below the surface. without it, the website can't function. The backend deals with servers, applications, databases, Etc. 

3. Full-stack Development

This is the combination of both backend and frontend development.

4. Learn SQL and PHP (optional)

  SQL is a Database technology that stores information. PHP is a "scripting " language that places or pulls stuff from a database.

5. Learn the basics of SEO

If you want to know about SEO check out our blog post on SEO complete detail is available there.

6. Make Sure Your Site is Responsive

When you're creating your own website you should make sure your site is responsive.

Response means that the elements of the website adjust according to the screen size. this means that your website will look good whether the visitor is on a laptop or mobile device.


Now, as a web developer, you have two choices :

1. try to land a full-time on-site job with a company

2. Go the route of freelancing and look for online gigs.


1. upwork

2. fiver


4. PeoplePerHour

Saturday, May 28, 2022

How to become UI/UX designer? Career opportunities and jobs|

What is UI/UX

 UI refers to the screens, buttons, toggles, icons, and other visual elements that you interact with when using a website, app, or another electronic device. 

UX refers to the entire interactions you have with a product including how you feel about the interaction.

how do they work together?

So a UX designer decides how the user interface works while the UI designer decides how the user interface looks. this is a very collaborative process, and the two designs teams are working out the flow of the app, how all of the buttons navigate you through your tasks, and how the interface efficiently serves up the information users need, the UI team is working on how all of these interface elements will appear on the screen.

Let's say at some point in the design process it's decided that extra buttons need to be added to a given screen. this will change how the buttons will need to be organized and could require changing their shape or size. the UX team would determine the best way to lay out the buttons while the UI teams adapt their designs to fit the new layout. Constant communication and collaboration between UI and UX designers help to assure that the final user interface looks as good as it can, while also operating efficiently and intuitively.

What does a UI/UX designer do?

A UI/UX designer's job is to create user-friendly interfaces that enable users to understand how to use complex technical products. if you're passionate about the latest technology trends and devices. you'll find great fulfillment in being involved in the design process for the next hot gadget.

Designers also research targeted users to develop a clear understanding of their needs, define interaction models, design wireframes, build prototypes and work on brand color. And they conduct user testing and review metrics and focus-group reactions so they're able to make the necessary tweaks to enhance the product.

UI/UX designer's jobs and salaries

Now that designing jobs are increasing day by day, so the salaries. according to Glassdoor, the average base pay for designers is Rs 6,73,247/- per annum for freshers. Numerous companies including Microsoft, cognizant, tata, and IBM hire UX/UI designers who pay from INR 55,000 to INR 1,20,000/- per month.

How much does a freelancer earn?

The hourly rates of UI/UX freelance designers are $25-$40.

the best sites are Upwork, Fiverr, freelancer, and PeoplePerHour. you can find projects on these sites by creating your profile.

UX/UI designer technical skills

1. prototyping wireframing, user flows, mockups. A huge part of the product development process is envisioning what a product will look like.

2. visual design and design software

3. User research and usability testing

4. agile

5. Information architecture

6. application developments 

Friday, May 27, 2022

What is Graphic Designing? A Beginner's Guide to the creative Designer |

What is Graphic Designing?

When you think of graphic design, do you think of artistic advertisements? Eye-grabbing graphics on websites? stunningly arranged in magazines? while these examples certainly fit under the graphics design definition, the term encompasses a lot; posters, infographics, book covers, product labels, logos, business cards, signs, website layouts, mobile apps, software interfaces- the list goes on.

So what is graphic design exactly? listing these graphic design examples is a good start, but it doesn't paint the full picture. while covering the details and intricacies of the entire graphic design field might not be possible in one article, this high-level overview will help you better understand this creative career field.

Keep reading this if you'll are interested in graphic design!

First, what is Graphic Design?

According to the American Institute of Graphic Arts(AIGA), graphic design is defined as the "art and practice of planning and projecting ideas and experiences with the visual and textual content". In other terms, graphic and textual elements them into multiple media types," says designer Alexandros Clufetos, when asked to elaborate on the graphic design definition. It helps the producer connect with the customer. it conveys the message of the project, even the campaign or product.

Graphic design can be used by companies to promote and sell products through advertising by websites to convey complicated information in a digestible way through infographics, or by businesses to develop an identity through branding among other things.

"Every day we take many of the subtly artistic things around us for guaranteed. but hidden in every magazine, corner, exit sign or textbook lies a set of design ideas that influence our perceptions," says Jacob Smith, founder of illustration studio ProductViz.

 Graphic design basics

To better understand the meaning of graphic design, it's important to be aware of the elements and principles that make up the design. Elements are used in conjunction or opposition with each other to create visually striking and impactful designs. 

These graphic design elements include:

  • Color
  • Form
  • Line
  • Shape
  • Size
  • space
  • texture
Graphic design also adheres to the principles of design, which are essentially a set of guidelines that help a design achieve composition. these basic principles aid in creating balance and stability for the piece of work.

These graphic design principles include:

  • Balance
  • Contrast
  • Emphasis
  • Movement
  • proportion
  • Rhythm


Some of the most notable modern-day graphic design examples stem from advancements in technology. here's a glimpse of some of these types of graphic design.

1. Website Design involves creating engaging and intuitive web pages for users. this includes overall layout, color scheme, and navigation.

2. User experience (UX) design is focused on ensuring a website application is easy and satisfying to use. these designers emphasize value, usability, adaptability, and desirability/

3. Motion graphic design- or animation-brings visual elements to life through special effects, TV shows, video games, and movies.


One of the basic and least expensive tools designers use is sketchbooks, and graphic designers to complete the process.

that being said, computers and design software are essential in today's digital climate, even if you are designing for print. the type of computer you need on preference but when it comes to software, adobe products such as photoshop, illustrator, and Indesign are mainstays in the graphic design world. if you are beginning and don't want to commit to the high price tag adobe products often carry similar free open source software such as GIMP can help you begin to master the basics.


What is graphic design, exactly as you're just learned, there isn't a one-size-fits-all definition. there are countless ways to use graphic design to solve business problems or evoke inspiration. it's up to you to determine what graphic design means to you and your future career.

Having an eye for design is a great start, but do you possess the other natural traits of a graphic designer? find out in our article."Should I be a graphic designer? 

Thursday, May 26, 2022

What is Marketing Automation? Definition? How-to-Do it |

 Marketing Automation is a key part of every successful marketing team's strategy. but, for those new to the field, or those hoping to break into it, understanding this aspect of digital marketing might seem daunting. 

Don't Worry, if you're looking to launch a new career in marketing, or just hoping to hone your marketing skills this article will teach you about marketing automation

1. What is Marketing Automation?

Marketing automation is essentially the adoption of tools and services that can automate different marketing or sales activities to boost efficiency, streamline, activities and goals increase transparency, and enable the tracking and analysis of large amounts of data. Put simply whether you're collecting customer information or planning a social media campaign any task that doesn't require the direct involvement of a human can significantly benefit from marketing automation.

Marketing automation tools can increase efficiency, accuracy, and productivity in a range of areas. whether working on email marketing surveys follow-up messaging events scheduling social media posting advertising campaigns or content marketing a marketer can transfer repetitive tasks associated with these actions to one of the many sophisticated tools which have been designed specially to perform them.

2. How Does marketing automation Work?

With repetitive and often mundane, tasks such as emails and social media scheduling, and other website actions automated by sophisticated tools these activities become significantly easier to manage and are more streamlined and better aligned with each other and the needs of the team.

In marketing automation every tool and task is different but there are some general rules that marketers typically follow when moving processes over from manual to automated.

1. They assess their Marketing automation needs

Before a marketer decides on a tool or process they will ask themselves what it is they are hoping to achieve with automation. Do they have an overall goal? Do they want to save time? Do they want to increase team productivity or efficiency? Do they want more accurate customer data? Identifying the team's core needs will enable a marketer to prioritize the automation of certain tasks and help them, choose the right tools for the job. 

2. They identify their audience

As a next step in the automation process, a marketer will carefully study the company or brand's current audience, customer, or user base. this is because understanding the target market will help the team know which tools will be most useful in helping to reach and retain those users. A marketer will look at the following factors when building up an accurate picture of the current audience, demographic, geographic, behavioral, and psychological.

3. They research and choose their Marketing automation tools. 

Armed with an understanding of their goals and data about their customers, a marketer will explore the automation software available that best suits their needs. Once a tool has been found that looks like a good fit, they will then get to know its capabilities so they can maximize them to the advantage of the team and overall company goals. 

4. They implement, monitor, and make improvement 

With a clear strategy in place, a marketer will implement the chosen marketing automation tool, and team members are informed what they'll be responsible for including during the transition from manual to automated-as well as what will be expected from them once the tool is up and running. Over time the tool is mentioned and tweaked until it is meeting the needs of the team, streamlining processes, and increasing efficiency.

A Marketing automation strategy might look something like this:

1. Build targeted lists

2. Launch campaign

3. Measures activity

4. Assess and segment customers

5. Feed qualified leads to a CRM tool

6. Nurture Warm leads

7. Analyze overall performance

3. What are the benefits of marketing automation?

Marketing automation offers a host for marketers and their target users, whether automation is adopted to streamline customer correspondence or to execute repetitive processes, the scope of tasks which automation can help a marketing team to align and simply is growing all the time and provides considerable value to the companies and individual who use it.

What problems can marketing automation help to solve?


Marketing Automation enables marketers to create more human interactions with their customers, while still reaching large groups of people. using the bank of user data that an automation tool can gather, communications can be scheduled around user behavior and preferences rather than set at random. these personalized customer experiences help a brand to become more memorable to its users and bolster the relationship between brand and customer.

Eliminates Manual tasks

Automation enables marketers to set up manual processes just once and then forget about them. automated campaigns can run in the background without assistance or be tweaked and adjusted as necessary. the types of tasks that automation can take over include reminders, follow-ups, reporting, customer emails and newsletters, social media scheduling, and data collection.

Reduce Costs

When manual processes are automated marketing costs come down this is because team members are no longer occupied with manual tasks and can instead use their experience and energy on higher level tasks that make better use of their skill sets. 

How Automation helps marketers

Marketers' automation tools can gather and draw conclusions from customer data so that marketers can make data-backed decisions. many sales and marketing automation platforms offer complete solutions to gauging consumer reactions to marketing campaigns by building complete user profiles and forecasts for a tram to learn from.

Popular Marketing Automation tools

1. Email Marketing Automation

  • Mailchimp
  • Drip
  • Mailjet

Social Media Automation

  • Hootsuite
  • Buffer
  • Mention

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

What is Copywriting? What Does Copywriters Do? future of copywriters ||

 Most entrepreneurs or business owners used copywriting methods for generating more sales or promotion of their products, on E-commerce business owners. 

Copywriting has become one of the most in-demand skills of 2022. In fact, copywriting jobs can pay upwards of $100k per year.

Why every business owner can benefit from someone who writes great copy, from startups to Fortune 500s and everything in between, copywriting in between, copywriting can make or break the success of an organization.

You don't need a degree for becoming a copywriter. anyone can become a copywriter by mastering the art of writing.

What is Copywriting?

Copywriting is the art of writing the text for marketing purposes. It's designed to sell your products or services while establishing a voice for your brand.

The main intention of copywriting is to persuade people to take a particular action, whether it's purchasing, signing up for something, or any other type of conversion.

Copywriting comes in many different forms --advertisements, web pages, brochures, white papers, social media content, and company taglines would all fall into the copywriting and that's just barely scratching the surface. 

But copywriting is much more than just words. Great copy tells a compelling story and represents your brand image. It pulls on the strings that trigger the decision-making process for whoever reads what you're writing.

Copywriting doesn't mean selling products or services; it sells emotion and lifestyle.

10 Copywriting Formula:

If you're new to copywriting, you can follow different formulas to give you through the process. there are dozens of different copywriting formulas out there, but I've narrowed down my top ten for beginners.

Think of these copywriting formulas as a quick template or cheat sheet. 

1. FAB Formula 

This is one of the most basic copywriting strategies that you can follow, Instead of just listing the features of a product or service, you need to find ways to highlight the end results and take away what the user will get.

  •   Features- What are you offering?
  •  Advantages- how does it help solve a problem or make things better?
  •  Benefits- What does the reader get out of this?
 The FAB formula is perfect for copy related to products or services.

2. BAB Formula

The BAB formula is Ideal for storytelling, it's designed to identify pain points being felt by the reader.

  • Before- this is what your life is like know.
  • After- this is how you'll feel once the problem has been solved.
  • Bridge- this is how you get there.

We saw some copy earlier in this guide from Basecamp as a good example that follows the BAB formula.

3. The 4 P's formula
  • Picture - Grab the reader's attention by painting a picture that creates desire.
  • Promise- Explain how the offering delivers that desire.
  • Prove- Use evidence to support that promise.
  • Push- Convince the reader to commit.

The 4 p's formula takes a unique approach to conversions. this type of copy gets the reader to commit by proving that you can deliver a promise.

4. The 4 U's formula
  • Useful-  How can you help the reader?
  • Urgent-  create a sense of urgency.
  • Unique- Explain how the benefits can't be found elsewhere.
  • Ultra-specific- Don't be vague.

The 4 U's formula works well for advertisements or social media copy. find ways to create a sense of urgency, like FOMO, as an emotional trigger that gets the reader to act quickly. 

5. The 4 C's formula

  • Clear- Make sure your copy is as clear as possible.
  • concise- Keep it short and to the point.
  • compelling- spark some interest and grab the attention.
  • Credible- Explain why the reader should trust your product, service, or brand.

6. ACCA Formula

  • Awareness-  Identify the problem or situation at hand.
  • comprehension- Explain how the problem affects the reader.
  • Conviction- Persuade the reader to follow your solution.
  • Action- End with a strong call to action.

7. "So what?" formula

The idea behind this formula is simple. Every time you make a statement, ask yourself, “so what?” This forces you to explain the benefits in greater detail. 

Our agency creates the best website content!

So what?

So we can help you generate more traffic, drive conversions, and rank higher in SERPs.

The first part of that copy isn’t useful without the “so what” aspect.

8. The Oath

  • Oblivious- Reader has no clue about your brand or offer.
  • Apathetic- They are aware of you but uninterested or indifferent 
  • Thinking- The reader has identified a potential need 
  • Hurting- they have a problem that desperately needs to be solved.

9. PAS Formula

  • Problem- Identify the problem at hand.
  • Agitate- Explain the negative impact of having this problem
  • Solve- offer a solution.

10. The "Objections" formula

Write copy that addresses common objectives a reader has with your offering.

Don't have time? It takes just 15 minutes. don't have money? We offer to finance. It won't work for you? here's our money-back guarantee. don't believe me? here are statics to back up our claims.

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

How to become a Successful Content Creator?| |

 The global digital content creation market size is projected to reach USD 24160 million by 2027, from USD 12400 million in 2020, at a CAGR of 9.5% during 2021-2027.

How to become a successful content creator?

Content Creators are responsible for coming up with new content ideas and seeing them through from concept to final product. There are usually multiple steps in the content creation process, whether you're a digital creator or working on printed materials.

This content is usually either entertaining or designed to interest the business's target audience. for example, a social media content creator will spend the majority of their working on hashtag and audience research, creating photo or video content to post, and reviewing reports of previous campaigns to analyze their success. you may also hear these types of creators called "influencers", as they usually have large social media audiences of their own and will work with brands on sponsored content, promoting business to their following. 

social media content creators work on a handful of platforms and content is specially created for each one to resonate with that particular audience.

What Does Content Creator do?

There are numerous digital platforms that creators work on, from YouTube and Instagram to company blogs, Medium, and more, so what each individual does will vary based on the needs of the business they're working for and the type of media they use.

Bloggers and writers will spend a large part of their day researching before writing their content. this could include looking at similar content online, gathering statistics or products to reference within the post, or interviewing experts for quotes. Depending on how involved the brand wants a creator to be, the work may only involve writing the initial piece; for others, editing and posting on the company's blog or medium account may also be part of the contract.

Written content creation isn't only about long-form, blog-style pieces though. Even social media creators work on written content in the form of captions for their posts, digital ads, and videos to support any visuals that are being shared.

What does a normal day look like for a digital creator? Depending on the platform, the type of content created will be different. for most, a typical workday will involve:

1. Brand and competitor analysis:  

Understanding what a brand is about, who its target audience is, and what its competitors are doing is where all successful content begins. this helps to narrow down ideas later on, as well as gives you more credibility when getting approval from brand representatives ahead of the actual content creation.

2. Idea brainstorming:

This is where you can get creative! coming up with several ideas gives you a good starting point when working with a brand as you decide what will be most relevant and engaging for your or their audience.

3. Content creation: 

The content creation process will likely involve multiple stages as you work with the brands to write or shoot content that brings the campaign idea to life. this can take anywhere from a few hours to weeks or months, depending on how extensive the final result will be.

4. Editing and approvals:

Editing photos and videos to fit with the brand aesthetic and tone can take shape. what gets left on the cutting room floor may surprise you, but you'll feel so proud of your work once you brand hand it over to the brand for final approvals before it goes live.

5. Promotion

The brand may do this themselves but, in the case of influencers, this is where the money-making happens. content will be shared across various digital channels and tracking will be added to keep tabs on how to tell the posts are performing. 

                                   5 content creation tools must have.

1. G-suite: google docs, sheets, drive, and calendar

2. Canva

3. Buffer

4. Grammarly

5. AnswerThePublic


                                                                THANK YOU!

Monday, May 23, 2022

What is Search Engine Marketing? how to do it in a Right way ?

 What is Search Engine Marketing? how to do it in the right way? 

What is Search Engine Marketing?

Search Engine Marketing uses paid ads that appear at the top of the search engine results page to drive customer action and engagement. Advertisers bid on keywords that users of services such as Google and Bing might enter when looking for certain products or services which gives the advertiser opportunity for their ads to appear alongside results for those search queries. 

These ads, often known by the term pay-per-click ads, come in a variety of formats. some are product listing ads(PLA also known as shopping ads) are visual, product-based advertisements that allow consumers to see important information at-a-glance, such as price and reviews.

Search Engine Marketing's greatest strength is that it offers advertisers the opportunity to put their ads in front of motivated customers who are ready to buy at the precise moment they're ready to make a purchase. 

Key Takeaways

Search engine Marketing now usually refers only to paid ads, while search engine optimization refers to free search engine marketing efforts.

SEM matters because most customers searching for a product in search engine marketing are ready to buy.

SEM can target loyal customers and create brand awareness.

While Search engine marketing may not be the last touch in a customer's journey, it is an essential factor leading to customer conversions.

Keywords and Account structure.

Another crucial aspect of keywords that is essential for the success of a search engine marketing campaign is account structure.

Logical keyword grouping and account structure can help you achieve higher click-through rates, lower costs-per-click, and generally stronger overall performance, and keyword research can help you think about how to best structure your account.

Google Ads and Bing ads accounts should be structured in the following way for optimal results: 

As you can see in the Above Figure, a perfect Google Ads account structure is comprised of five distinct elements:

1. Ad campaign

2. Ad groups

3. Keywords

4. Ad text

5. Landing pages

Ad campaigns can, should in many cases, focus on similar products or services. for example, if you run a hardware store, one ad campaign could focus exclusively on autumnal products such as leaf blowers, rakes, and leaf bags, whereas another might focus on power tools and so on.

Search Engine Marketing Ad Auction

One of the most enduring misconceptions about search engine marketing is that whomever has the largest advertising budget wins. Although a larger advertising budget can certainly be advantageous, especially when targeting highly competitive keywords, it's far from a requirement for success with search engine marketing. this is because all ads go through a process known as the ad auction before appearing alongside search results. for the purposes of this explanation, we'll be focusing on the ad auction in Google AdWords.

  How the Ad Auction Works

The Ad auction process takes place every single time someone enters a search query into Google. to be entered into the Ad auction, advertisers identify keywords they want to bid on and state how much they are willing to spend to have their ads appear alongside results relating to those keywords. if Google determines that the keywords you have bid on are contained within a user's search query, your ads are entered into the Ad auction.

                                             Thank you!

What is content writing? how to become content writer+5 free tool |

 What is content writing? how to become content writer+5 free tool |

Content writing is the process of planning, writing, and editing web content typically for digital marketing purposes. It can include writing blog posts and articles, scripts for videos and podcasts as well as content for specific platforms such as tweetstorms on Twitter.

Why is content writing important?

When most people hear "content writing," they think k writing articles.

However, writing content isn't just important for blog posts.

In fact, content writing is important for all types of different content formats including 

1. video script 

2. email newsletter 

3. Keynote speeches 

4. Social media posts

5. white papers

6. web pages copy

7. landing page

How to become a content writer?

Becoming a freelance content writer is an excellent work-at-home opportunity for professional, deadline-driven solopreneurs who want to make a living helping companies create effective digital marketing content.

this often comes in the form of blog posts, website pages, email newsletters, product descriptions, and white papers.

the increase in demand for high-quality content doesn't appear to be slowing down anytime soon, so it's a good time to get started.

Writing Niches for beginning content writers

Some writing niches, such as technology, medicine, and travel, require years of experience to properly understand the market and cultivate expertise in said subjects. brainstorm your list based on your own experiences. for instance, if you're a parent who uses cloth diapers it isn't a stretch to write about parenting and eco-friendly products. 

Here are some writing niches that most writers can write:

1. product reviews

2. lifestyle

3. writing

4. how-tos

 5 free tools for content writing.

1. Answer the public

2. Grammarly


4. BuzzSumo

5. Ubersuggest


1. A laptop or desktop with a secure internet connection

2. Microsoft word 

3. A skype account for client calls and video conferences

4. A planner to keep track of invoice dates and project deadlines.

Top freelance content writers 

1. Mukti Masih

2. Priyanka Desai

3. Samarpita Mukherjee 

4. Bhawna Aggarwal

                                             Thank you!

Sunday, May 22, 2022

5 Affiliate Marketing Tips to Make More Money || Affiliate Marketer|

 5 Affiliate Marketing Tips To Make More Money|

1. What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate Marketing is an advertising model where a company pays compensation to third-party publishers to generate traffic or leads to the company's products and Services.

When it comes to Marketing. we can all agree that there are plenty of options available. The challenge is knowing which Marketing strategy will give you the best return on your investment. that's why choosing the right marketing channel for your business can be tricky. with so many different marketing strategies available, the question becomes what is the best option for your business? The answer will differ from company to company, but one strategy that has proven to be beneficial for almost any business is social media marketing. social media marketing enables you to market your business directly to potential customers through popular social media marketing such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. these networks offer an excellent opportunity to grow an audience interested in your brand or products and begin creating a following that you can leverage whenever you launch a new product or service. 

                How Does Affiliate Marketing Works?💭

To make  with Affiliate Marketing, you would need to join Affiliate Programs, where you will receive Unique Links that every time you send a customer to the program 

Sounds easy right?

So now on to the juicy stuff...

                               these are the top 5 tips 

1. Shift your Mindset about Affiliate Marketing
    It's easy to get a bad impression of affiliate marketing as being "Sales" and "sleazy"-no one that. shift your mindset to understanding affiliate marketing is about providing a tool and resource that people will love and need. your audience loves to hear what products you like and what works for you. When affiliate marketing is done well, your audience will convert when they know you genuinely love and appreciate a product. this leads us to tip 2...

2. Choose products you genuinely love and use. 
   When you love and use a product yourself, you will be able to speak authentically about the benefits and value a product offers. this is the best kind of affiliate product that you are familiar with.

3. Treat the Affiliate product as if it is your own. 
 Find something that pairs perfectly with your services. for example, if you create websites or website template like tonic you know that every website need images so partnering with social squares as an affiliate to promote beautiful images to populate their website template is a match made in heaven. when you treat a product as if it was your own and it is your own and it is seamlessly and strategically interwoven into your product or service offer, it will feel very natural to talk about it genuinely, which leads to the next tip.  

4. Talk about it 

Consistently and organically share about your affiliate products and why people should buy them if you don't talk about them, then your audience won't know about them or even know that you have a discount to offer them, which is a loss for you and your audience.

5. Strategically place your affiliate link in multiple and easy-to-find locations. here is a quick list of great places to add your affiliate links

• Your Instagram bio

•Your email signature

• Your youtube captions

• Your Website footer

• Create a dedicated Instagram highlight for all your affiliate links

• Create strategic blogs that include your affiliate links

• join online forums such as Fb communities where you can be an expert and share your affiliate links.

• when speaking at conferences mention your affiliate products.

Saturday, May 21, 2022

3 Reasons Why You Need Social Media Marketing For Your Business.|

 3 Reasons Why You Need Social Media Marketing For Your Business. 

The Digital Marketing world is changing every day, and It's becoming more and more important for the business to stay on top of trends. To do that, you need to Know What's Coming Next social media Marketing has been steadily growing as an extremely effective way to reach new customers and drive brand awareness. there are now over 2 billion monthly active users on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat--and that number continues to rise. these networks have become a primary source of information about products, services, brands, and companies for many users whether your business has a website or not there are plenty of reasons why you need social media marketing in your marketing strategy. here are 3 reasons why social media marketing is essential for any business:

1. You Need more visibility and branding.

The best way to think about social media marketing is a type of branding. You're developing your brand's visibility and recognition content engaging, relevant, and shareable. We're talking about things like Facebook live videos, creating an Instagram hashtag campaign, or Twitter polls. these are all great ways to build your brand. and you can do it by using social media marketing. Another great branding aspect of social media marketing is that you can put your products and services in front of customers while they're in the research phase. you can create content that shows off the benefits of your products or services and educates your customers so that they know exactly what to expect from your business. 

2. It's a great place to find new customers

Social media Marketing is a great way to start a conversation with your customers and prospects. you can create polls, surveys, or even offer free giveaways for your audience so that you can collect their information and start to build a mailing list. getting people to sign up from a mailing list can be an extremely effective way to build a way to build your customer base. you can send your emails at any time, and you can even automate this process so that you can scale up your marketing efforts. you can also use social media to ask a question that can help you understand your audience better. you can use these conversations as an opportunity to turn one-time customers into repeat buyers. you can also ask for feedback and suggestions so that you can improve your product or service and provide a better experience for your customers.

3. It's an opportunity to show your expertise 

Social media marketing is a great way to showcase your expertise in your industry. If you're a fitness blogger, you can create content that educates your audience on the best way to get in shape or eat healthier. you can also share tips on how to use the fitness equipment or tips on how to stay motivated to work out even when you don't want to be. you can use techniques like interaction polls, quizzes, and surveys to engage an audience and get them thinking about your subject matter. this can be a great way to show your expertise in your industry, which can lead to more authority and better search engine ranking. 

Wrapping Up

Social media marketing is one of the most important parts of any digital marketing strategy. It's a great way to build a brand, find new customers and show off your expertise. these networks have become a primary source of information about products, services, and brands.

Friday, May 20, 2022

What is SEO? complete step by step guide-

 What is SEO? complete step by step guide||

What is SEO?

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a process by which website administrators and marketers improve the visibility and ranking of their website on search engines. The ultimate goal of SEO is to increase organic traffic, which is the traffic that comes from people who click on links in the search engine results pages[SERP]for given queries. given that the vast majority of web traffic comes from search engines. It's no wonder that SEO has become one of the most important marketing disciplines in recent years.

The goal of any SEO strategy is to improve a website's visibility and organic search traffic. while many tactics can be used to achieve this goal, the most important ones focus on creating valuable content and building links from high-quality websites. In addition, It's important to keep up with the latest trends in SEO so that your website can stay ahead of the competition.

Core Elements of SEO: On Page SEO And Off-Page SEO

When it comes to SEO, there are two Equally important paths: On-page SEO and Off-page SEO 

On-page SEO is all about optimizing your website by implementing a good design strategy, providing valuable content that attracts and engages your intended audience, and finally, ensuring that your website satisfies various onsite ranking needs with the proper technical optimizations. and is often the backbone for long-term site success. 

Off-page SEO is the process of optimizing a website for better search engine rankings by building links from other websites. this can be done in several ways, such as guest blogging, directory submissions, and social bookmarking.

Building links from high-quality websites is one of the best ways to improve your own website's ranking in search engines. this is because search engines see links as "votes" for your website. the more votes you have, the higher your websites will rank.

What is link building?

Link building is the process of acquiring links that point to your website from other websites. when you search for something online, you're more likely to click on the results with the higher ranking in the SERP which means that they have a higher quantity of incoming links these links are often referred to as natural or white hat links, and your site rank better in Google's eyes.

How do I get links?

When it comes to link building there are a lot of different strategies that you can use. some of them are more effective than others and some of them are more white hat than others, in this guide, we're going to focus on white hat link building methods that will help you get the links you need without risking your site's website.

Another great way to get links is to create helpful resources that people will want to link to. This could be anything from an infographic to a helpful blog post or even a video tutorial. if you can create something that people will find useful, they'll be happy to link to it.

Where can I get links?

there are several ways to find potential links for your websites. some methods include:

-Searching google for sites in your industry that have linked to similar content in the past.

-Reach out to industry influencers and ask them to link to your content.

-Submitting your content to relevant online directories and forums.

-Participating in online communities  and discussion groups related to your industry 

Each of these methods can help you find potential links that can boost your site's search engine rankings. however, it's important to remember that not all links are created equal. be sure to avoid spammy or low-quality sites that could hurt your site's reputation.

 SEO Strategies: Black Hat Vs White Hat

White hat SEO is a set of SEO strategies that improve your site's rankings on a search engine results page without violating the rules of the search engine. white hat SEO follows the quality guidelines of search engines like Google and does not engage in spam methods to manipulate the algorithm.


Examples of white hat optimization include writing content for human readers, optimizing on-page elements for SEO, using internal linking for target keywords, focusing on fast loading times, improving mobile-friendliness, and creating quality content for organic link building.

Black hat SEO refers to a set of practices that are used to increase a site or page's rank in search through means that violate the search engine's terms of service. the term "black hat" originated in Western movies to distinguish the bad guys from the good guys.

Keyword stuffing:

Google crawls your website for keywords to understand the kind of content you are offering. right keyword research can, in fact, be the stepping stone to good search engine rankings.

However, including the right words on your website does not mean constantly repeating them, over and over again.

Google recognizes keyword stuffing and demotes websites that habitually indulge in such practice. to tackle the menace of keyword stuffing Google introduced semantic search in 2010.



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